Monday, March 3, 2008


I am a panicky, nauseous, nervous, vexed, sick to my stomach, insomniac who can't eat because of the nervous nelly butterflies. This is how I have been feeling lately due to my new circumstances in life: adulthood. Man isn't growning up great? I have been on the interviewing circuit for a teaching job at juniors highs and I have to say that it wasn't as bad as I thought. I went into my first interview wishing I was back in junior high as a student and that is an awful thought. Luckily I am not a teenager again, I am just fighting tooth and nail with other contenders to be their fearless leader. I have three more interviews to go and there are about 12 people battling for each job so I am not feeling too confident. Hopefully the principles and interviewing panels will just pick me because I am absolutely always the cutest dressed candidate. Wish me luck people because I really need a job and teaching is all I want in this world.


Bethany said...

Dang straight your the cutest dressed candidate!! GOOD LUCK, ASH!!!!!!

Lindsay said...

I think that Nordstrom will get the job you want!

Liz said...

Actually, I think that her charming little self will get her a job! Let's face it, I raised some great children!