Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tag - I am NOT it

My sister Lindsay "tagged" me with a post on her blog. I was not going to respond until she threatened me. No, I am serious, she called to find out why I hadn't responded yet. So this is for her but I am not playing tag any more. Sorry Janet.

1. dancing+girl friends/siblings+dance tunes+dim lights = my perfect night

2. mom+dad+chuch+selfish+mission+3 years+hungry = orphan

3. roast beef+mashed potatoes+corn+rolls+texas sheet cake = dream meal

4. skiing+deer valley+boating+lake powell+in the same day = my perfect day

5. college-homework-studying-exams = what it should be

6. nordstrom+mom+sisters+cafe lunch+fantastic = will have to wait


Lindsay said...

Very clever! I really enjoyed the way you did that.

Heidi Louise said...

So you had to go and one up us did you? Make it look like you are smarter and funnier! Well maybe you are. :)