Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today I attended my Grammy's funeral. Today I mourned. Today I cried. Today I grew.

I am not a very good example at coping with death. I take it hard and I don't like to move on from it because I feel like when I do, the person is really gone from my life. While trying to mentally, emotionally, and spiritually comprehend the events of the past two weeks I have learned of another tragedy. One of my students was killed in an accident today caused by another student of mine. Knowing the heartache I have been processing with my spiritual, mature brain makes me so sad for my students who will have to struggle through the loss of a friend and classmate with their tender, young souls.

Somehow I have to muster up the courage and strength tomorrow to discuss with my kids about the death of this student and how to cope with it. I need to teach them compassion for the student driving the vehicle. I only hope I can be an example in their life at this time and help them through this. Teenagers are so impressionable and I know this situation will be so hard on them but they will get through. They will get through just as I am getting through. Just as we all must get through and continue on in life.

1 comment:

The Collett Family said...

Sweet Ashley, I am so sorry you have to go through all of this at once.
What an amazing family you have! Your grandmother was such a classy woman.
I will be praying for you that you can have peace and comfort at this time in your life.
Love ya Ash!! xoxo

p.s. Is it weird that I wrote a novel on a blog comment? Probably, and yet, I am still typing....