Sunday, October 17, 2010


Josh and I were driving back from Kaysville tonight and he just started rattling off the three wishes he would choose if he had a Genie. These were his wishes:
  1. Have all current and future construction on I-15 done, finished, complete. Forever.
  2. To have 2 Billion $$$ (which he gave me a long list of the things he would spend his $ on)
  3. The ability to choose anyone to come back from the dead and be undead

This prompted me to think about my three genie wishes and this is what I came up with:
  1. to have the border of Utah extended to include that remaining .01% of Lake Powell that is not (yet) in Utah
  2. a cure for all cancers - so all people need is just a simple vaccine, like the MMR shots become the MMRC shots
  3. unlimited travel money!!! literally, if I want to go somewhere, there is just beautiful amounts of money to do it

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