No not me folks, my MOMMA! My mother, Elizabeth, is the most amazing woman that has ever graced the human world. Today is her birthday and I want the entire world (because I know the entire world reads this blog) to know that I love her. She is pretty, kind, loving, patient, adorable, beautiful, magnanimous, awesome, smart, funny, precious, and my mom! I wish I could be with her today but she decided to go on a mission instead. I miss her everyday, all day. I love her with all my heart and soul and thats a lot because I have a really big heart people. My mom was born into this world to be a mom. And more importantly, she was born to be my mom. I love you momma. Thanks for being born and also for having me even when daddy wanted to be done having kids. I hope you enjoyed the "Happy Birthday" rendition from my 9th graders. LOVE YOU!
Monday, December 1, 2008
No not me folks, my MOMMA! My mother, Elizabeth, is the most amazing woman that has ever graced the human world. Today is her birthday and I want the entire world (because I know the entire world reads this blog) to know that I love her. She is pretty, kind, loving, patient, adorable, beautiful, magnanimous, awesome, smart, funny, precious, and my mom! I wish I could be with her today but she decided to go on a mission instead. I miss her everyday, all day. I love her with all my heart and soul and thats a lot because I have a really big heart people. My mom was born into this world to be a mom. And more importantly, she was born to be my mom. I love you momma. Thanks for being born and also for having me even when daddy wanted to be done having kids. I hope you enjoyed the "Happy Birthday" rendition from my 9th graders. LOVE YOU!
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That is so sweet it made me cry! I hope I have at least one girl so that when she grows up she can gush such wonderful sentiments. (I don't know if boys really ever do)
Happy Birthday Ashley's mom!!
Thanks baby! I really loved the singing from your class! You are so awesome and I appreciate your words of kindness.
I love your mom so much!! and i love you
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