Monday, October 13, 2008


Please refer to my sister Heidi's blog (found on my blog list to the right) for some good pictures of my brother's (and favorite sibling) wedding. It was a good event but it felt really weird without dad there. FYI to all the young, handsome, college grad, single dudes out there that read my blog: you will have to marry me in Washington. Thanks. Welcome to the Belnap world Holly. Good luck because you already know we are weird.


Liz said...

Baby, you are one of a kind! Did you ever think that your other siblings might read the comments on this blog? You may have to explain yourself to them; they all think they are your favorite. If we really want to get down to brass tacks, I think I am your very favorite one of all!

Michelle said...

It was fun to see the pictures of your brother's wedding... I loved the cut-out of your dad standing next to your mom!! That must have really been hard for him to miss the wedding.
Your mom looks great - as do you and the rest of your lovely (but admittedly weird) family. Don't worry, everyone's family is weird. And if yours isn't, there's no escaping the odds - you will definately marry in to one. (hopefully none of my in-laws ever find this comment! ha ha ha) Love you girlie!