Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hefty Month of Birthdays

February, a month I used to loathe. Now I have a beam of happiness shining in this crappy month to brighten my life. This is tied to the birth of the greats: Josh Groban and Lucy (my beach cruiser). Corey's birthday is also in this month but he just one of my greats, not everyone else's. Josh and Lucy actually share the same Birthday, February 27th. This is also Josh's golden birthday so we are going to celebrate hard core. Leslie and I are going to throw a little party - and by little I mean just the two of us watching Josh in concert DVDs with our Josh T-shirts on - for our angelic singing boyfriend. Lucy is turning 2, so now that she is getting older and might remember her birthdays, we have to start making them special. I have been hunting on ebay for some new Pom Poms but haven't had any luck yet. I just wanted to send a shout out to my peeps Josh, Lucy, Corey, and we should probably include LaVar Burton whose birthday is also this month (Feb. 16). Reading Rainbow was the shiz so he can't go unnoticed.


Lindsay said...

That picture of Corey is INCREDIBLE!!! Looking at it makes me think about the book that he and his friend invented for a book report. Happy Birthday February people--way to go on making this far. February is the highest suicide month of the year.

Heidi Louise said...

That is the best picture of Corawhore I have ever seen! Really does him justice!

Miss Ashley said...

Corey is more popular than LaVar Burton? Who would have thought?

Anonymous said...

I feel like LaVar takes the cake with this one, though. Josh is the obvious first, but that pic of LaVar really puts him in at a close second.