Sunday, January 13, 2008

ode to The Blogger and others

I dont know if any of you noticed that my blog was wack last week but that was definitely my doing. However, dear Kyle (my BFF Laura's husband) fixed it for me... again! If you guys dont know Laura and Kyle, you should. They are blogging experts and they can make anything and it will always be delicious. Plus I have known Laura since 4th grade so she has all the dirt on me if you need it.

I do have other friends too and I would like to take a moment to talk about them. I think its mostly my fam that reads this junk so here are some highlights about some other people I love and why I love them - because I'm sure you're sitting on the edge of your seats waiting to read this.

Ashton: all that needs to be said is fffffffffffffff (no one will understand that)

Jessica: we can read each others thoughts and she is the most discrete and pretty nerd I know

Heather: we kind of live parallel love lives and she loves dipping sauces

Leslie: she listents to me and she gets me but the best part is that I dont freak her out with my voyeuristic tendancies

Lani: knows everything and is the youngest grown up out there

Sarah: is Josie Geller but without the unfortunate appearance. what I mean by that is she is a phenomenal writer and works for the newspaper

Corey: he walks with his left shoulder slightly lower than his right and out of all these people he might know me the best

Rich: is newly married but promises to still like me even though I am now a "single friend"


Lindsay said...

Or is Rich a new "married friend"? So many ways to think of things!

Sarah C. said...

If by Josie Gellar you mean gets the hot Mr. Coulson at the end, then I'll take that! If you mean Josie Gellar who no boys like and spends her entire life being awkward and thinking she sucks? Boo to that! ha ha