Monday, March 2, 2009


We are studying the Holocaust right now with the 9th graders. Last week we watched a documentary on Gerda Weissman Klein, a Holocaust and death march survivor. After watching her story, I had my kids write an essay. The prompt was a) what does "faith in humanity" mean, b) how did Gerda have "faith in humanity," c) and do you have "faith in humanity." These are some excerpts from what my kids had to say:

"I personally do not have faith in humanity. I don't believe in relying on the thought that some one will be there to catch you when you fall. its more safe to catch yourself because there won't always be someone there."

"Faith in humanity isn't something that i can comprehend because it is putting so much trust in humans and our society. To me its only a dream where we can put our full faith into humanity and trust in what we know."

"I think faith in humanity means that we believe in each other. It means that trust is strong and we are willing to help."

"Gerda never ran away or gave up. She had faith that someday, humanity would change they would stop the senseless killing and stop violence. Humanity is not meant to kill or be killed."

"After what happened in the Holocaust, I don't really have that much faith. The NAZIs hurt soooo many people from their own country. I'd rather have faith in myself because I know that if you're strong you can get through anything."

"Gerda was terrified, hungry, and sick while in the concentration camp. She never gave up hope. She even found goodness and kindness in one of the German guards."


Liz said...

Orem Jr. High should be grateful for a wonderful teacher like you. They are fools if they don't rehire you. I would be pleased to have one of my children in your class. Whoops, I guess I already do!

Anonymous said...

Umm...I can't believe that we haven't talked about this already. Did you know that I like know Gerda Weissman Klein? True story. She received her High School diploma with my graduating class. True story. Her name is on the back of my senior sweatshirt. I love her and she changed my life.