Thursday, January 27, 2011


These are phrases that the civilian world has no idea can throw a teacher over the edge to suicide. Mind you these are just a FEW:
  • What's my grade right now (remember I have 200 students so I obviously don't have all their grades scrolling through my head)
  • My mom wants me to get an A
  • What am I missing (the students get a print out of their grades everyday!!)
  • Was I supposed to turn that in
  • Is this for points
  • Were we supposed to take notes on that
  • Did we do anything important last time, I was gone
  • What will this assignment do to my grade
  • Are we doing anything important today
  • Why do we have to learn this
  • What can I do to pass this class (with literally 30 minutes left until term grades are due)
  • This is boring
  • I wasn't texting, I promise. I don't even have a phone (after some calm discussion they will finally bust their phone out of their pocket and hand it over)
  • Wait, we can retake things in here (that has been the policy since August)
  • Did you put in that assignment (seconds after they turned it in 3 weeks late so the answer is NO I haven't)
  • I guessed on the test because I didn't study at all but I'm sure I aced it
  • When does class get out
  • Why do we have to take notes
  • The countries in Asia - Europe, Middle East, any map we are working on - are too small
  • This is too hard
  • I am too tired to try and learn
  • How can I get an A, I have an A- right now
  • I didn't know we had a test today (then why did we spend last class period working on the review sheet??)

If you are a teacher and reading this, please tell me I am not the only one who gets crap like this EVERYDAY!!!!


Derek and Lisa said...

haha! So true! I hear this even from GT kids!

Sarah C. said...

Constantly. Especially the part about "how can I raise my grade?" on the LAST day of the six weeks. Those gems.