These are phrases that the civilian world has no idea can throw a teacher over the edge to suicide. Mind you these are just a FEW:
What's my grade right now(remember I have 200 students so I obviously don't have all their grades scrolling through my head)
My mom wants me to get an A
What am I missing(the students get a print out of their grades everyday!!)
Was I supposed to turn that in
Is this for points
Were we supposed to take notes on that
Did we do anything important last time, I was gone
What will this assignment do to my grade
Are we doing anything important today
Why do we have to learn this
What can I do to pass this class(with literally 30 minutes left until term grades are due)
This is boring
I wasn't texting, I promise. I don't even have a phone(after some calm discussion they will finally bust their phone out of their pocket and hand it over)
Wait, we can retake things in here(that has been the policy since August)
Did you put in that assignment(seconds after they turned it in 3 weeks late so the answer is NO I haven't)
I guessed on the test because I didn't study at all but I'm sure I aced it
When does class get out
Why do we have to take notes
The countries in Asia - Europe, Middle East, any map we are working on - are too small
This is too hard
I am too tired to try and learn
How can I get an A, I have an A- right now
I didn't know we had a test today (then why did we spend last class period working on the review sheet??)
If you are a teacher and reading this, please tell me I am not the only one who gets crap like this EVERYDAY!!!!
And by reclamation you mean water reclamation?? Yes, I do. My brain got stuck on this topic when a) I went to Hoover Dam last week and b) Josh asked me if I hadn't grown up going to Lake Powell would I still love it.
Water reclamation history in the west is honestly one of my favorite things to study and read about. The "west" would not even be a thought without reclamation. This is good but mostly bad. As much as I love Lake Powell, I truly DO NOT believe in water reclamation. If John Wesley Powell knew that a man-made lake of stored up Colorado River water was named in his honor, he would be furious. If an area cannot naturally sustain itself, it shouldn't exist. This is the case for many western cities that guzzle water and electricity from dams in Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and California. I took an entire course in college on the history of water reclamation and it was probably my favorite class of all time. Weird, right?
I know you all get more than enough crap from my blog, facebook, in person, at school, etc. about Breast Cancer, the great state of Utah, or BYU. But one love that you probably didn't know I have is water reclamation. It is very seriously a passion of mine - not as a Sierra-club-loving-lefty but as an historian who is awed by the fact that a simple thing like water can change the fate of everything.
Whew, I feel like you all know me a little bit better. Kind of in a weird way....
I love diamonds. Like a lot. It's high time I did something about it so I bought this little lady for myself. It came in the mail today and I am more than pleased. I LOVE it!
People who say things like, "oh I don't own a TV" or "I am not a TV watcher" really bother me. Don't think you are awesome for a) trying to get us to think TV is awful and b) lying about not watching it . I love TV and I love celeb gossip. And the best part is, watching all the shows I love makes me more interesting. I can keep up with any conversation about television along with discussions about, movies, religion, love, history, politics, etc. Watching TV hasn't made me dumb at all. I actually love it because I can catch those little hints of pop culture or history they throw in there. I will put it out in the world what shows I am willing to waste time watching. Here are my current shows in no particular order