Thursday, May 13, 2010


I have been teaching 2 class periods of 9th grade English the last few weeks. Am I an English teacher? NO. Am I BS-ing my way through? YES. Do you know what I have been studying and creating lesson plans for??? William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. Why did I agree to do this? Oh well, today is my last day. Whew! The lesson plan for today only took 40 minutes out of the class period so guess what we did the remaining time? Played HEADS UP, 7 UP. I taught the dumb play and we finished it today so of course a celebration was in order.

I haven't played this game since Mr. Merrill's 7th grade science class at KJH. I think we played it about once a week in his class. The students loved it but I totally loved it more. And I didn't feel bad about playing this game because its not my curriculum or subject time wasted. I have wanted to do heads up, 7 up for a long time. Its kind of like a teacher's dream to do it at least once. "See guys, dreams really do come true."

And to top it all off, Leslie is currently en route to Provo for a visit!!!

ps. major props to those who know what my quote is from. And no, its not Romeo & Juliet


Holly Belnap said...

Andy!! You GOONIE!

Alisha said...

I am soooo proud of you! You and Nestle should do Zumba together for me. I might cry.