Friday, May 28, 2010


Today marks the end of my 2nd year as a teacher. What a strange year it has been. I can't really talk about it because a) I don't want to and b) its just too emotional. Let me just leave the year on this note: I have a strange job. The people I see everyday get ripped away from me for three months. Then some of them (9th graders) get ripped away forever. The people that I grow to love can't stay forever. And that's not just students, its teachers too. Today was my last day with Cam. I am actually sitting here in the dark at my desk, probably the only teacher left at OJH right now, crying. I can't believe it has ended. I will never have this back again. I love you Cam! I still have Kath and Allison but it won't be the same without all of us. Good thing for me though, I will only really miss a handful of students. I just wasn't as close to my 9th graders this year as I was last year. Adios year 2. Hola summer travel!

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