Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I hate eating food in public. I am precise on the foods that I like and when I have to eat meals in front of others I hate it. Really, truly, really, honestly, really hate it. Ordering at a restaurant presents difficulties because I can't usually order straight from the menu. I alter the dish in some obscure way that the waiter looks at me like I am crazy. Making new friends is a pain because I have to introduce them to my eating habits. And when I am in a social situation among acquaintances, strangers, friends, family, or dates it makes me sick to my stomach. I literally want to die because I know someone is going to comment on my taste and say:
  • why aren't you eating
  • what do you eat
  • why are you taking the cheese off
  • you don't like that
  • how do you survive
  • you are so picky
This kind of stuff bothers me. I wish people could just understand that I am normal. I like the things I like. The things I don't like shouldn't bother you. At least I have opinions in life and stick to them - unless in the dreaded situation of being a guest somewhere and I'm forced to eat whatever the people have prepared or I will look like a douche. Why does it make me seem like a brat just because I am not interested in eating pulled BBQ pork or whatever gross thing you have concocted? WHY? Three times in my adult life I have had absolutely no choice in social eating situations. 1.I was with a boyfriend's family and I was scared. 2. I was with a family friend that always teased me growing up and I was scared. 3. Was last week with my parentals in some members' house and I was scared. I seriously doubt any of you really get the extreme anxiety I go through just to enjoy the food I like.


The Swank Family said...

oh good grief. give me a break. anybody who eats their pizza with no cheese or only orders lettuce with ranch dressing and croutons IS weird. Don't feed me this anxiety garbage.

(PS- all said in loving jest)

Colorado Jones said...

I of course feel your food anxiety. Mostly just on dates. And in foreign countries.