Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I think I spend too much time worrying, planning, grading, stressing, teaching, and thinking about school. Why do I think this? Let me tell you:

Today I was working and I felt my brain aching and falling asleep. Literally, I could feel it but I needed to get this grading done. I wanted to be home already but I was still at school, the last teacher there. I was stapling some packets together when after a few seconds I realized I was in pain. Then it took me even longer to realize where the throbbing was coming from. Then even longer to see blood. Then EVEN LONGER to mentally understand that I had just stapled my finger to some papers. Awesome.

This is something that somebody should be able to figure out the second it happened. Or they shouldn't be so brain dead and could prevent an incident like this. All in all, I am finally home with my bandaged up finger and I am very brain dead. I am watching "Friends" right now to try and give my brain a break from having to do anything.


Heather said...

One time, while I still worked in the computer lab, I stapled the palm of my hand. While I was trying to help someone. And yes, I had to pull it out as they watched in horror/judgment.

I bet New York will help.

Michelle said...

You most definitely need a break! I can certainly relate to being so rediculously tired that you don't mentally register the obvious. And stapling your finger should, in fact, be obvious!
I hope you are finding a little more balance in your life. :)

Lindsay said...

You should quit!

The Sabeys said...

Lindsay... SHE SHOULD NOT QUIT... She just needs me there at the school too so she doesn't feel bad. Dear Ashley, I am sorry I went to Oregon and left you alone to grade papers at OJHS. Next time you staple your finger, I will staple mine too. Please forgive me.

Sarah C. said...

Ash. You don't need to be the last teacher there to be a good teacher. I'm just saying is all.

Also, I love you. And I resent that you think I'm mushy. (Kidding.)