Monday, May 5, 2008


This is long overdue. I love Glenn Beck. He and I are kindred spirits politically, humorously, and spiritually. This man owns my life weeknights from 7-8 pm with his CNN Headline News program. Leslie and I are his biggest groupies. Yeah thats right, Glenn Beck has groupies.

For those of you who are not subscribed to his daily emails, don't frequent the Glenn Beck website, or if you don't even know who I am talking about I will give you some Glenn info. Glenn started as a regular radio DJ in Connecticut and worked his way through brilliance and charm to a nationally syndicated radio show. In 2006, CNN gave him his own primetime news show and he has been blessing the lives of American homes ever since. He is a comedian/news anchor/genius/conservative/political analyst/economist/future president/Mormon. Basically Glenn Beck has it all. We see eye to eye on a lot of issues concerning the presidential election, the economy, oil, McCain not being a true conservative, polygamy raids, and cats (Glenn thinks that people who have more than 3 cats should be committed).

I first knew I was in love with Glenn when I saw his program right after President Hinckley died. I was already a Beck fan but my love jumped to a whole new level. You should check out his tribute to President Hinckley on youtube. Also look at his website and the wikipedia article (copy and paste the links because I am too lazy to hyperlink them). He came from drug addict to Mormon, what a champ you are Glenn! Please let me be on your show!!!

President Hinckley tribute:

Mitt Romney on Glenn Beck = dream team:


Glenn Beck website


Anonymous said...

I want to devote the rest of my life to making sure that Glenn Beck is elected president of this country. And I think you should do it with me. I loved your post & I love Glenn Beck.

Bethany said...

I, too, enjoy him! :)

Sarah C. said...

I'm going to overlook this post and continue loving you anyway.