Thursday, February 10, 2011

J - I - M - M - M - E - R

I would be indeed ungrateful if I did not take this moment to publicly thank The Jimmer for all he has done for me. He makes me happier than I ever thought I could be. Without The Jimmer, I don't know where the I would be. Before I let Jimmer into my life I was walking this earth knowing something was missing but I didn't know what it was. Jimmer filled that void in my soul. He has changed me and all of mankind for the better. To Jimmer I am indebted. I owe him an eternity of cougar fight songs. In the honor of all that is Jimmer, Ah-Jimmer-men.


The Sabeys said...

I love you Ashley!

Anonymous said...

This gave me chills and brought me to tears.