Saturday, June 4, 2011


Lindsay loves to comment that teachers don't really get three months of summer off. It really bothers her. Imagine how much it bothers me! School ended yesterday but I didn't even get home until 11:00pm. I have all day meetings at OJHS on Monday and Tuesday. I have a Topaz class for 3 days, Utah Geography class for 5 days, department collaboration meetings for 4 days, a physical geography course for 5 days, and I go back to school on August 16. Total week days this summer = 51. Total week days I have "summer school" = 20. That means my total free summer lovin days are: 31. THAT IS ONLY 1 MONTH!!!!!!! I will be in "summer school" longer than my students who failed my class will be in real summer school. Sick. Nobody told me that teachers are actually busy in the summers. Rude wake up call. I better live it up those 31 days.


Derek and Lisa said...

I'm just glad we're in it together. I think I would die without you there!

Lindsay said...

I think the educational system needs a shake up! I think there needs to be education given to people who are thinking of going into education! They deserve to know what they are really getting themselves into. I would have this be my platform if I were in a beauty pageant.