Monday, February 14, 2011


You haven't really Valentined if you have never experienced a junior high Valentine's Day. Now it doesn't count if your only experience is when you were in junior high. V-Day is seriously my favorite day of the year and NOT because I love Valentines but because I love watching my students try and sort out this day of uber emotion. It is SO, SO great. It also doesn't hurt that I usually get candy and cookies from students (I just finished off the most delicious Valentine sugar cookie known to man plus Lindsay's boys just brought me the best Valentine presents EVER!).

Just this morning one student came in with a single long stem rose and all the girls in the class came up to her and started giggling, chit-chatting, and gossiping about it. One of her friends took the rose and held it up to her nose as she said, "I could sit here all day and smell the love from this rose." She begged the friend it belonged to, "can I please carry it in the hallway???"

Second period didn't disappoint either. I am pretty sure this class has more hormones than humanly possible. This is my most flirtatious class by far. I swear every boy and every girl just love each other. Case in point: note passing. I intercepted a Valentine love letter! It was adorable, awkward, misspelled, gushy, lovely, and awesome! The two students went bright red when I took it because they knew the love secrets that were inside.

My next class was 7th graders and they aren't as fun to watch as the 9th graders. They are still somewhat asexual. Does that make sense? They haven't quite figured out how to be awkwardly in love all while being so sly about who your crush is. For them we played 5 minutes of Valentine Hang Man and let them listen to sappy love songs until the bell rang. You would have thought I was giving them all $1,000,000 at their level of happiness with this "activity."

Fourth period is where the day is extremely worth it. This is when the items that students have sent to each other arrive. They can purchase a candy rose, a real rose, or a box of conversation hearts. During 4th hour the gifts arrive. It is the ultimate showcase of junior high. Who got what? How many did they get? Who was it from? All of this is REALLY important to them. I know most people think I am nuts for wanting to teach junior high but come one, when I get to see this kind of stuff why would I teach anybody but awkward teenagers??


Liz said...
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Holly Belnap said...

oh gosh that was the worst day in Jr High, having to walk around after school empty handed and then seeing the "Brooke Belleaus" with at least 10 roses. blah! When I grow up, I am going to send my girls a huge bouquet flowers and pretend like it is from a boy. There is no worse feeling.. along with nominating the favorites at the end of the year and royalty at the dances!!! So glad I survived that horrible time.

The Sabeys said...

Oh good times... Good times. Somedays I say to myself I am glad that I am not teaching, but then I read your funny posts and I remember those good times and I do miss it!

mamagale said...

I have to admit I stalk your blog from time to time (from Shanna's to Ashton's to yours!)it intrigues me because I went to OJH. This post was a trip down memory lane back to 9th grade and Lionel. He sat by me on the bus and asked me to dance at one of those awkward daytime school dances. He wrote me scribbly notes and I giggled with my friends over them. It was true love for about 2 weeks...didn't even make it to Valentine's day. Good times.